Me Vincent Guida, Partner

Litigation in the areas of construction, insurance, bond liability, professional liability, bank and other creditor recoveries, bankruptcy and insolvency.

Telephone: 514 874-2000, Ext. 231
Fax: 514 874-9041


Me Vincent Guida

Spoken and Written Languages

French, English and Italien


B.A. Economics and Political Science (Joint Honours), Mcgill University, 1979
B.C.L. Civil Law, McGill University, 1983, James McGill Award, Faculty and University scholar awards
LL.B. Common Law, McGill University, 1983, James McGill Award and University scholar awards

Called to the Bar

Québec – 1984

Professional Experience

Me Guida has practiced in the area of civil and commercial litigation since being called to the bar in 1984. He began his career with a major law firm in Montréal and joined Holmested & Associés s.e.n.c.r.l./LLP in 1989. Me Guida now heads the litigation section of our firm.

Professional activities and associations

Québec Bar Association
Canadian Bar Association
Association of Trial Lawyers of America
Professional member of the Corporation des Entrepreneurs Généraux du Québec
Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association